None Cooling Fan W1G300-EC24-03/AF01 26V 9.8A 245W 3040RPM


5 in stock

Powerful and efficient W1G300-EC24-03/AF01 26V cooling fan with 3040 RPM. Keep your electronics cool with this 245W fan, perfect for heavy-duty use. Get reliable performance with 9.8A current draw.



  • Model: W1G300-EC24-03/AF01
  • Voltage: 26V
  • Current: 9.8A
  • Power:245W
  • Rotating speed: 3040RPM
  • The product has been tested before leaving the factory. If there is a problem with the product, you can contact us as soon as possible. We will discuss the solution together and try our best to provide high-quality service.


The W1G300-EC24-03/AF01 26V 9.8A 245W 3040RPM Cooling Fan is a high-performance cooling solution for your electronic devices. With a model number of W1G300-EC24-03/AF01, a voltage of 26V, current of 9.8A, power output of 245W, and a rotating speed of 3040RPM, this fan is designed to efficiently cool your equipment. Rest assured, this product has undergone rigorous testing before leaving the factory, ensuring reliability and quality performance. In case of any issues, our dedicated customer service team is ready to assist you promptly, guaranteeing a seamless and satisfactory resolution.

UPC: 755799020219